well i had like the freaking best weekend ever!!!! wow was i tanked lol....i met rieder and wags n kaitlyn wow was it fucking crazyy. yep it was naitionals n my dad got 2nd place!! it was so ripped there. hmm im so stoked for rodchester race!! i cant wait to see u no who. i would tell u the rest of the story but...yeah we wont go there
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my weekend was ok i gess...went to cocos it was fun...
but now im not in a good mood thanks to certian ppl, ugh. ((seriously ppl need to stay in their own lives)) o and u can say that im being too bitchy about it..well im not
well yesterday i went to carlys fer the nite.. i got there n ryan, ricky, n robbie wur all there. we listened to music n went in the pool...lmao ryan favorite song is beautiful soul n we belong together
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this weekend will b awsum!! im going to cedar point with nicole n brooke tomorow, im going on every ride too, nicole n brooke u guys r going on the milenium er however u spell it with me. hmmm i havent updated in while...
nicoles here her eyes r sooo red now lmao...we definalty cant stop laughing...lmaolmaolmao...."y do u hold it in just let it out"...lmao nicole loooser cocos asleep hmm wow today was great wow she tought me a new trick...straws lmfao nicole wow ouch wow nicoe just blew the bigest burp ive herd in my life!!!! lmao i wow today was theee best day/nite
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