Title: Migraine Coma: "luciD Dreams 0.2"
Chapter: #9/#?
rookie_cheriiBand/Pairing: Chiyu x Takeru (SuG)
Rating: PG
Warnings: none.
Summary: Chiyu has found a new path to follow and his life seems to be back on track. Then, an unexpected incident pulls him into the nights of Tokyo, and back to the blackest eyes of the boy he thought had forgotten about
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Comments 48
Sorry for the italic post, that wasn't supposed to happen.
I suspect Shinpei is leaving the notes... but then again it could be anybody.
Poor Takeru. I wouldn't ever be able to deal with all the weight he has on his back. Same with Chiyu. I like how this is all in italics. I dont know why... I just think writing in italics makes it prettier. <-- random comment ( ... )
Like I said the italics thing was a mistake, but maybe I should change the layout code so that the font was italic, and then make all the outstanding stuff non-italic. lol
Ah, Finnish is actually my first language, but I've been learning English for the majority of my life and worked mostly in English-speaking communities, so half the time these days I think it's stronger than my mother tongue...... xDDDD;; Thanks, though!
I'm trying to get the next chapter ready soon! It might not explode with plot, but hopefully it'll add to the whole mystery c:
Or books about phsychiatric stuff, I wanna be a phsychiatrist when I'm older. 8D
Do what you will with the italics, as long as you write I will be happy. XD
Wow. English is my native language, I also know a bit of french, but that doesnt count because i learn it in school. XD
Don't rush yourself. If you to finish everything to quickly, it wont be done as well as you want *knows from experiance...*. As long as you update, everyone will be happy.
... If you reply, reply to this cuz I wont get the notification otherwise.
i somehow cannot see the connection between these chapters and lucid dreaming :/ but, now i'm also some psycho that sees lucid dreaming as a more or less normal thing so maybe that's where i lost the point XD
i think Shinpei's the one leaving all the notes... it just seems to fit in... but i guess i'm going to read this story all over again since i've forgotten some here and there, and therefore can't think clearly...
also i really seem to like Hazuki's relationship with Takeru... like caring without caring too much... or caring without Takeru knowing he cares too much (:
"So you know how he gets when shit hits the fan" AHAHAHHAHAHA i've never heard someone saying it like that before but that seriously made my day XD funniest way to put it ever XD
And, Shinpei hurting anybody? i really can't imagine that small guy hurting anybody... like it's him who's small XD though i think you've given him an interesting personality :)
i look forward for more :D
If you're interested in reading anything else I've put together, though, I've been posting a k-fandom story on my personal blog (one that I'm done writing so it'll come to an end for sure).
I'm dying to
Do you have non-inspiration for this one eh? :'D
Have the Koreans totally swept you away >D
I understand though 8D
I've got stuff to write, that's no problem though~
You are so excused :D
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