I woke up at 6am this morning feeling sick again. Thought that if I went back to sleep maybe I would feel better when I got up at 8am. Didn't work. So I stayed at home again. I wasn't supposed to be in college today anyway but I was gonna go pick up my information about the trip on monday to London. E-mailed my tutor this morning though and he said
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Comments 5
People who have to keep checking things and touching things or saying certain things.
I dont know what style you usually draw in but that could be quite dark..
One of my friends has to keep the volume on his stereo on an even number or it freaks him out.
Another friend has to touch the same cup every time he goes into his kitchen. He hates the feel of the cup but he still has to do it.
I dont think I have anything like that...
We all do the 'touch wood' thing pretty obsessively though.
I have one on moths and my fear/hatred of them.
I'm gonna do one about that man who tattooed himself into a tiger and had whisker implants and stuff.
I was thinking of doing one on compulsive shopping.
And maybe one on compulive cleaning. The last 2 seem so boring though.
ANd I still need another 1.
I sniff cups. That's my thing. I dunno why I do it but I have to, and then I still wash it before I use it anyway. Even if it's just come out of the dishwasher. And I always count the stairs in my house when I'm walking/running/jumping up them. I know there are 14 and there always has been/will be but I still do it. Only in my house though.
Ive thought of one I have! I have to brush my teeth before I go out...everytime. I end up brushing my teeth about 6 times a day.
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