Title: Glow Character/Pairing: T-bag/Susan Prompt: 036. Smell Rating: PG-13 Summary: After the bath… Author’s Notes: After ‘Subdivision’ I couldn’t resist it. He really loved her. Warnings: Spoilers for 'Subdivision' ( Glow )
Wow, that's good (as always)! I just loved the last line, I'm sure that's exactly what T-Bag thought every single day while in Prison. I agree with sweetstallion too, it's very focused and I ♥ it
Thank you! I think the last episode really gave us a new level of understanding of T-Bag's character. I'm glad that I always believed that he really did love her. I think that you could argue that he was just spinning a line to get the old trollop all hot and bothered, but for me, T-Bag really did believe that he loved her. And hell hath no fury like a psycho scorned ;)
I also like to think T-Bag loved Susan. People on the IMDB message boards were complaining after Brother's Kepper aired because they thought he "wasn't capable of love." In a way I can see their point, but since he apparently did, she must have been a wonderful person.
And hell hath no fury like a psycho scorned ;) Lol, damn right!!
That was amazing! I was just waiting for some good T-Bag/Susan fics after the last episode, and believe me, this was great! It's so clever how you can switch from oh so sweet to creepy in one quick breath. In short, I love it!
Comments 17
And hell hath no fury like a psycho scorned ;)
Lol, damn right!!
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