Mar 02, 2006 22:41
Ok testing LJ version of OGHMN... I think it's working now... alls I needs to do is convince Spanky to migrate! Maybe if I copy the old format he won't realize it. I still think blogspot is better! (*gasps*)
Mar 02, 2006 22:30
Since I am a wimp and frequently buckle to peer pressure, I've made another stab at setting up a livejournal account for people to read what little there is going on in my life :-\ Well, time for bed! Sorry I missed coffee but I was at skating. lol. I really need +1 boots.
Mar 02, 2006 22:28
First ever skating lessons completed today. Big thanks to E + G ('Gee', lol!) for the instructions!! I was skating backwards at the end of the session. Good times. Now I gots to go get smee a helmet and skates! Then I can practice at the University rink at lunch. Woo!