I've noticed a shift in the flavour here on LJ from emoting about 'why does X/Y/Z snub me/not love me' to 'how am I making ends meet'. Looks like a shift down the
Heirarchy of Needs from Esteem or Love/Belonging to Safety which is a big flag for this recession starting to bite.(
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Comments 2
Also, most people here don't really take time to go travel because America doesn't really work that way. :) The trust fund kiddies do, and sometimes people will snag a chance during college, but that's about it. Most jobs around here will not wait for you to go on a long holiday, and never have.
GDP/head the UK/France/Germany has been trailing US/Japan by ~15 years, Ireland was in turn ~20 years behind them until the mid 90's and now we're only ten years behind the US/Japan. Even dropping back to just Eurozone average will be a big shock to Ireland.
Its relative change, not absolute that makes people squirm.
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