Aug 29, 2004 15:45
comment there to be added... not here.
Aug 23, 2004 10:04
k. wtf. i thought my friends were cam whores.
way to be fucking cliche.
i mean me and my friends *PLAY ARROUND* looking emo in pictures.
you just took it to the next level.
im so not being sarcastic.
fucking scene whore.
Aug 23, 2004 02:12
k... so i made a new background.
what do you think?
Aug 22, 2004 05:13
k, its 5:13 AM
im tlking to melissa. we are women.. but she is more of a woman than me..... and she is a big slut.
nathan form knock first saw napoleon dynamite..... that movie is sex. and so is he cuz he is a drummer.... and a singer.... that makes him sex.
k im fucking delerious and i feel like im on so many drugs right now its not funny.
Aug 22, 2004 00:08
mels party was wonderful
just enough drama, fire, hook ups, and nudity.
MANY PICTURES!!!(comming soon)
Aug 20, 2004 22:03
Chelse from falloutboylove community is flipping awsome.
look at that hott icon she made!!!!!
ill also edit this post later when i have my pictures up.
Aug 19, 2004 08:33
flipping warped tour today.
JOYYY!!(like ren and stimpy)
i hate people that wont go to concerts cuz its too much money when they have that much money anyways.... doesnt the music mean anything to you?
spoiled brat.
Aug 18, 2004 18:25
my dads third cousin went to jail for attacking sumone with a hatchet.
how wierd.
14.5 hours till i leave for warped tour.