So I fucking did it. it's done. he's gone. its saturday night. our usual night together. I can't function right. I want to drink. have nothing TO drink
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If he never loved you than he wasted your precious time, you didn't waste his. He was lucky to have had the chance to be with you (although it sounds like he didn't deserve you.)
Easy on the booze, ok?
(it's coming up on the one year anniversary of the demise of my 4 1/2 year relationship - ohh he would have been cheating on me abouuuutttt NOW and yeah, I definitely understand the feelings of "but we had a more functional relationship than everyone else we knew and it was so good, what happened, etc." except it turned out to be teh best thing that happened to me. It took a few months but I met someone else. The person I am sure I am meant to spend my life with. It's so hard to k now if it's the right decision. For every reason it was good, there's another for why it wasn't good enough. Hang in there sweets. (hugs)
I don't really know of anything to say to make it easier, but I DO think he loved you. I don't think he would have spent the time he did if he didn't, but sometimes it's still just not enough. I remember feeling this way when P. and I, my own ex, broke up last year. I was the one that intiated the break-up and it had to be done. Part of me was relieved but another part of me was disappointed because I HAD wanted it to work out, and I missed the times when it was good between us because there were many of those times. I think it's natural to mourn the loss of the potential and hope that is there at the beginning of every relationship. The hard part about break-ups is that in many cases, the relationship WASN'T all bad. There were good times too. It's just that was wrong eventually outweighed what was right, but it doesn't mean you can't be sad for the good that was lost too. You did the right thing if this relationship was hurting you and it sounds like it was, but it's still natural to feel grief as well.
Comments 3
Easy on the booze, ok?
(it's coming up on the one year anniversary of the demise of my 4 1/2 year relationship - ohh he would have been cheating on me abouuuutttt NOW and yeah, I definitely understand the feelings of "but we had a more functional relationship than everyone else we knew and it was so good, what happened, etc." except it turned out to be teh best thing that happened to me. It took a few months but I met someone else. The person I am sure I am meant to spend my life with. It's so hard to k now if it's the right decision. For every reason it was good, there's another for why it wasn't good enough. Hang in there sweets. (hugs)
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