evreything has been bad since the airboat. un answered phone calls. when all i wanted was to hear a voice to make me smile. dogs and grandparents dying. friends not being there and not being themselves. dramadramadrama. and i thought the weekend would get rid of that. i guess i was wrong. i cant do this much longer. fuckk
i built a hardxcore bear named shane today. he& his bf cody bear beat some niggaz up. & i got my homecoming dress. it's gonna be pimmppp. im going to see the spill canvas august 5th.
& go to the eversfield show the 2nd. kendra and i are working the door. but eversfield is just wow.
summer has treated me well. it's been amazing despite all the shit thats happend. i dont want it to end. then i wont have anymore starbucks and seeing jordan will be hopeless. but i got to see kelly, and now mr. Virginia is coming down. i've seen evreyone that i need to see. && people are moving here for full sail. its gonna be an amazing year.