You should definitely publish that somewhere other than a blog, though. People need to hear it. Perhaps the Restore Saint Louis Public Transit group on Facebook?
I'd do the same for you -- or anyone else who reads this, really. Hopefully the open-hearted people of St. Louis County will win out over the more jaded, callous ones. We shall see. ^^;
Here at Lucas Hunt Village, we have a metro bus stop in our complex. With me living and working here, I can say easily say that well over 100 people per day use the bus here. There were talks of removing our bus stop when they removed several bus stops earlier in the year. Which, would have been detrimental to the complex, as well over 100 people could not get to work, school, to shop, etc. We were thankful that this did not happen. Not to mention that the bus stop we have is a great amenity when we rent apartments. Some people cannot afford cars, or choose not to invest in them to save the ecology (Which I think is very noble) To remove that, is to hurt not only Metro employee's (IE: You) But will force many, many others out of work because they just cant get to work, and such, lose there apartments, then perhaps my work will have to cut back and I will loose my job.... I know this is kinda a slippery slope, but logically, its very plausible
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There are quite a few places like Lucas Hunt Village which will be affected, unfortunately. Some of them hospitals and nursing homes, too. I just hope that everyone who would be affected (or has a loved one who would be affected) will make it out to the polls on April 4. I'm also hoping that this year's campaign will be more effective than the one the November before last. It's starting off on uneven footing with the "threat" that service will be cut if the tax is not passed, even though the "threat" is really just keeping the public informed. People wanted a more transparent transportation agency, and now they have it
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There seem to be so many... I mean, I can identify with the mindset of "We're taxed SO MUCH already, and not all of it goes to what politicians say," but that's where intelligent analysis of each proposal comes in. Some tax wording is vague (that's how Metro was first screwed out of tax money - the former tax for "public transportation" has had millions siphoned off for MoDOT instead of Metro due to the wording), so I'm hoping that the April 4th ballot will be a little less sneaky.
It seems like a sort of protection of a minority from the tyranny of the majority sort of thing. Sure *you* may not use it, but it's a service that lots of people depend on every day.
I live in Kirkwood, and I have been spreading the word on how inportant public transit is. One of the other reasons why people vote "no' on public transit is the lack of security at some stations or on the buses. Eventhough that now there is more security, but not as muich as there ought to be. Turnstiles can't really stop free loadcers from getting on a train. They can jump over them and still get on. But I know that Metro is struggling to get the system to where it's really avaialbe to everybody. And that is why, each time a propsition for a tax increase for transit hits the ballot, I always vote "yes". It's not April 4th the election is on, it's April 6th. I am working my tail off to make sure that the public knows about it. Plus, I have been posting videos on YouTube about it also.
I have ridden the Delmar train at night, and I know what people are talking about in that people tend to ask for change. But they're not pulling out aluminum bats and threatening me for it, so I just politely say, "Sorry, man" and continue on my way. It seems that people who ride public transit expect not to interact with the public
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Comments 14
You should definitely publish that somewhere other than a blog, though. People need to hear it. Perhaps the Restore Saint Louis Public Transit group on Facebook?
I want more people to realize that the issue isn't just about politics. Here's hoping!
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