Holy Mary mother of all that is holy and right! TWO iconmakers will be eliminated this week!
We had a last minute submission... and then I was super late in posting the voting. BUT all five entries were received... three makers will move to the finals following this round. OMG.
EDITED: Per a suggestion from a voter, please vote for just ONE fave and ONE least fave... and, if you are so inclined, PLEASE pimp the vote so we're sure to get lots of votes. :)
ALSO: Remember the rules (below) regarding constructive criticism. More info is
1. Don't vote for yourself. That's tacky. And against the
2. You don't have to be participating in this round - or even a member of the freaking community - to vote.
3. If you ARE a participant, please vote.
4. You'll be asked to name the ONE icon you like the best. A reason is optional but hightly encouraged and may be subjective in nature.
5. You'll be asked to name the ONE icon you feel are of the worst quality. A reason is required and MUST be objective in nature. IE - it must reflect the technical quality of the icon and not your own personal preferences.
Sample voting:
Best Icon:
Icon ## - The quote is clever and matches the image well!
Lowest Quality Icon:
Icon ## - The texture overwhelms the image and the colour is washed out.
6. Each positive vote is worth 1 point. Each negative vote is worth -1 point. I'll add the two scores together and the iconmaker with the highest points total will win member's choice while the iconmaker(s) with the lowest points total will be eliminated.
Voting will end Monday September 7 at 11:59PM (US Pacific time).
Best Icon:Icon ## - Reason
Lowest Quality IconIcon ## - Reason