Aug 21, 2003 22:58
11...just finished my homework.
I have a lot of thinking to do
and a lot of accepting to do.
I wish I had no feeling sometimes.
Well thats not much for me,
considering I dont have much feeling anyway.
But the little I have
I want to just vanish.
Aug 16, 2003 23:53
crying never felt this good...
Aug 08, 2003 22:50
Im pretty sure I have a "sucker" tatoo somewhere on me. It must be easy as hell forget me.
Jul 29, 2003 12:12
The show saturday with Spitalfield was amazing and worth the 4 hour drive. The show last night with It Dies Today and With Resistance was also pretty kiler.Thanks for being the merch girl Kill-C.
Jul 15, 2003 23:37
I fail everyone.
I think im just going to quit having any ambition or hope of anything ever going right.
Jul 14, 2003 11:56
Do I have a reason to believe anybody?
I just dont get myself sometimes. All the time actually!
I wish I knew why I shut myself out from everybody.
Jul 12, 2003 20:47
Holy shit its been a while. I forgot about this thing. i have had liek 3 g/f's since my last entry. i have gotten drunk almost every day since the last entry. I still dont eat meat;i also look shitter then my last pic....hahaha, and I kinda enjoy life again...
fuck what everyone thinks...
Mar 16, 2003 21:35
I went to the beach today.
It made me really sad and a little uneasy.
Im glad I went though.
I really need to figure stuff out again.
I need to know myself better.
I need more understand how I work.
I want to know why the way I feel is the way I feel.
thanks alot for talking to me tonight.
you know who you are.
Mar 16, 2003 00:17
as much as stuff has NOT been making sense...
some truth sure is bleeding through.
more figuring...thats all