Mar 04, 2005 00:52
wow. i havent been here for forever....
i made a new livejournal...
this one will soon be gone. too many bad memories in it.
add my new one...
it will be friends only posting.
Sep 14, 2004 00:10
considering my previous fuck-up of not posting my last entry as friends only (like i usually do when i write something, other than taking silly quizes) i will now be more careful. sorry bout that =)
and ms. tillman.... stay off my journal.
thanks. =)
Aug 27, 2004 18:17
This is the problem with LJ, we all think we are close, but we know nothing about each other. To rectify this, I want you to ask something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about.
Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don't know about you.
Jun 16, 2004 14:33
false alarm. bah. the nurse was wrong on her dialation. she is only at 2, and they sent her home. i am SOOOOOOO tired. bah. sammy girl get that baby out!!!