IIRC, there's no magnetic memory in an RFID chip for a magnet to affect. It's a hardcoded circuit in a tiny FPGA, and an antenna.
A magnet won't do anything. A blast from a microwave, on the other hand... The trick is to give it enough to blow the RFID circuit, but not enough to melt the card. A couple of seconds should do it.
Oddly enough, an eel skin wallet will take the magnetic charge out of damn near any card you carry in it. They also cost a lot of money. It is kinda funny how many guys hand you an 'merican Express with no charge (magnetic you silly) on it at a Nordstorm.....
Alas, I might try the microwave. Melting plastic is an issue. But then again, your arm isn't plastic and it is hardly gonna get into the microwave without serious and violent modification; at which point I would just cut the damn device out.. I think you are stuck with the implant, brotha.
It's Hammer TimeineffabelleJuly 18 2009, 06:36:16 UTC
actually the answer is more straightforward... A hammer. Funny enough, if you hammer an RFID chip, it dies. This has been tested on passports, it should work on a license.
Comments 7
A magnet won't do anything. A blast from a microwave, on the other hand... The trick is to give it enough to blow the RFID circuit, but not enough to melt the card. A couple of seconds should do it.
Alas, I might try the microwave. Melting plastic is an issue. But then again, your arm isn't plastic and it is hardly gonna get into the microwave without serious and violent modification; at which point I would just cut the damn device out.. I think you are stuck with the implant, brotha.
A hammer.
Funny enough, if you hammer an RFID chip, it dies. This has been tested on passports, it should work on a license.
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