well...i jus got bak from dat acrobatic show...IT WAS SOOOOO KEWL!! hehe..it was funnie when the kid knocked over those circle stuff that they jump through like DOGS...lol...yes...afew of the girls fell when they were being tossed around to the other guys lol!! my fav was the yoyo stuff! IT WAS AWESUM! ><;; damn china people! RAWR...FLEXABLE MOFOs
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well...2day was the shots...once i heard it on the announcements during p.e, i felt like barfing lmao! well...yes...after p.e it was break and blah blah blah...SOCIALS...clock hit 10:20 Am and WOOSH! the ppl wit the last names from S-Z went 2 get the shots..yap...i was sooo freaked out lmao! yes...i fink sophia got reallie annoyed of me lmao! well
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WOO ! lol! I ACTUALLY GOTTA GOOD MARK ON MY FRENCH ORAL PRESENTATION! LMAO! 12/15 for the survey and 12/15 on the commercial =O! isnt dat good or what ? =D wOOPEE...yes...during the survey...i was naming the people and i called anita a guy, eric, anthony, and james a girl. lmao..my face got red ._.;; i fink...it was hilarious! yes...well on wit my
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