i don't know much about the world, or why things happen when they do. but i do know i'd like to marry you, share my life with you, thank you for giving me a son with a smile as bright as yours.
imagine my surprise when i poured my bowl of cocoa puffs this morning, and half of the pieces were white. cocoa puff combos?!!? what the heck are they doing to my ceral. :(
its almost as bad as when they stopped making the trix pieces in the fruit shapes and made them all circles :(
change if you want, but dont you go and change for me, i can love you as you are, i didn't mean to make you want to leave. it's a fight between my heart and mind, no one really wins this time.
i love a guy that'll treat me right, hold the door for me, call me cute names, sweet talk me, hold my hand, have big manly muscle arms, and like me as much as i like them.
i'm glad i've found him, i just wish it wasn't so darn complicated.