I feel like the ultimate procrastinator...in fact I have four more pages (minimum) to go basically to finish in an hour to and hour and a half, tops, and I'm writing in LiveJournal.
Whatever, I hate this paper. It's boring. And stupid.
So far I've... -Purchased alcohol from a liquor store -Purchased and consumed alcoholic beverages served by 5 different people at 2 different establishments... -BEEN CARDED ONCE!
What the hell?!
I could've been buying and drinking alcohol all the time!
The one time you want to be IDed and it doesn't happen...
OK, so I'm two days, late, I guess, but my birthday was awesome.
A big thank you to anyone who IMed me, wrote on my Facebook wall, MySpace commented me, text messaged me, or came out with me. It was a very memorable night.