The Most Incredible Work of Literature in the Entire Cosmos
Chapter 15, "Bitchiness"
CHRISTOPHERSo there I was, willingly trapped in that house again. By now, Frig was practically interchangeable with a regular Zmeephish-Quian, and it made me feel numb inside. Like I was immune. Immune to aliens. Whatever happened after the stupid baby, I
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Comments 24
And I agree with what someone above said - the more I see the world through Christopher's eyes, the more I dislike Frig and Xlormp. WE GET THAT YOU'RE PREGGARS FRIG, GAWD. Please tell me the other book wasn't like that? If so, thank God I refused to read it.
AAAAAAAANNNNNNDD I want Christopher to give me lessons on alien hating! Show me your waaayyyysss!
And Jessica is just like Frig, except she's not the main character.
and while i was reading this i noticed the dates being more recent. which is what dates do, normally, what with time passing and all. but what i mean is that suddenly i realized that the fourth book wasn't finished! :O and then when there were no more entries i was really really sad to have to be a real reader and wait and have suspense and cliffhangers and everything, like, for REALS.
So while being totally happy about how totally awesome this stuff is, i am also very sad.
oh, and christopher is awesome. and frig is kind of annoying and stupid. and hector is too cute for words. and i really REALLY have to read the other series now because i want to know what the hell the commenters are talking about sometimes (tent scene?)
this was way longer than i meant it to be.
anyways, bottomline, you rock. (you being the person who writes this, of course)
- svava
Oh yes, the tent scene. Really it's not that exciting. I have a hate/fascination relationship with Twilight, so I end up simultaneously telling people to read it but stay away, don't get sucked in like I did, SAVE YOURSELF!!! It is too late for me. Maybe you still have a chance?
Not so lame though, is giraffe spleen. Have you ever had it? It's like, so amazing. Grilled with a pinch of garlic salt and BLAMMO, an exotic treat for the whole family.
and btw i'm svava, two comments up from here
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