i love when worthless people that alot of shit. apparently iam going to get my ass kicked by darren or thats what hes telling people.my life on the other hand is good because i stopped caring about what worthless people.
so today for the most part sucked. the rents pissed me off,then the night with leesie was not what I hoped for. I found out she hates everything about me and that makes me want to cry. Ive already changed so much for her but I'm ready to change more if I have too. I feel like hell and want to die I have no one to talk to about it I'm always left
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So alot has happened Iam sure you have all heard about leesie mom coming over and going crazy at my house. Well from all that i almost lost the best thing that has ever happened to me i stayd up all night crying and think of what i would do if i lost her. to leesie i love you and i will never give up on us not that easy you mean so much to me that
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i cant fuckin stand high school drama i fuckin hate everything that has become of this Leesie hates me cause ali and all the bullshit that has happened my Life FUCKING sucks ass right now thanks alot assholes
I hear from some people that a certain someone wants the person i hold dearest to me to breakup with me this pisses me off. you know who you are so stay out of my life
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I've been going out with the best girl I've ever dated in my entire life, for two months now. Things are going good. We stopped fighting, things are back to normal. On a side note, I owe the state $400 because I'm a terrible driver
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the best thing that has ever happened to me is my new gf. the only bad thing is we seem to be fighting all the time this past and i dont want to end up like all the others . babe iam sorry