Title: Beautiful Hangover
Chapter: 14/?
Pairings: Hyukhae, Kyumin, Sihae, Kihae, Haesica
Rating: R
Warning: Mention of drug use, addiction, sexual situations, swearing and violence
Summary: Kyuhyun invents a drug that is so powerful it changes your life, one taste and you're hooked.
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Comments 39
i keep waiting for that.. and i know prev chap they more than meet.. but.. i miss them so muchh...
huwaaaa.. hope hae and min.. will have a good life soon..
thankyuu dear for this.. ^^
and don't worry hae and min will have a better life soon <3
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I hope that Minnie can open to Kyu and are you going to reveals Kyu's past
I feel so sad for Donghae =(
and yes i will reveal kyu's past
thank you so much for reading <3 and i will update soon
And can't wait =)
this cHap is kinda sweEt yet so saD. . .
The confortatioN betweEn sungmin n Hae is so sad..buT it show how dEep tHeir reLatioNShip..
BuT teLL me what's the kiss for?it just brotherhood kiss,rite?please Let it be just brotherHoOd kiss
i want mOre sihae,eunhae,n kyumin in the next cHap XD
the kiss was important for the next chapter...but i won't tell you why XD
i promise there will be more kyumin, sihae and eunhae coming :D
thank you so much for reading and i will update soon
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