Just out of nowhere, because I kept listening to it while I was taking notes and reading my articles, Magdalena by A Perfect Circle is one helluva sexy song. I don't know.. there's something about it that makes me tingle.
I was checking my info just now to see how many comments I've posted and looking at the date of creation for my journal, I realized that it has its two year birthday two days ago! Wow, two years ago Anne made me this journal when I was still in my OpenDiary craze. I think back and damn, LiveJournal is infinite times better. I was just starting out
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Hey, who knew they still made tater tots? Y'know, those cylindrical balls of what looks like cubed pieces of potato they used to serve you at the cafeteria when you were six and still in elementary school? Yeah, those things
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I swiped this from my much adored Ben-o, whom I don't talk to very often but have known since his days at OpenDiary and fallslikesnow screenname. It's rather amazing how things change
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It's Saturday and there is nothing to do but download songs and catch up on my LJ reading, seeing as I have been out of the commission for the better half of the week
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