Title: Pink Dots Pairings: Hanchul, Heeteuk Rating: soft R Genre: First it's angst, then it's fluff. Summary: Life would be like a black carpet if it wasn't for the pink dots.
Podobało mi się. Lubię ten pairing, nawet bardzo. Nie było takiego strasznego smęcenia, jak w większości fików. 'Och, on mnie zostawił, jaki ja jestem nieszczęśliwy' -> duży plus za to, że czegoś takiego nie ma. Nie znoszę tego typu fików.
Twój angielski wcale nie jest taki zły. Na pewno lepszy, niż mój ;]
thank you thank you ^_^ nie wiedzialam, ze ich lubisz, to milo xD bo moj chyba drugi ulubiony lol. A smecenia tez nie lubie, bo smeca to kobiety, faceci przezywaja to inaczej. xD Heechul co najwyzej moglby komus cos na glowie roztrzaskac lol.
searched for a TeukChul fanfic because feeling like i have to .. <3
and yeah, i just realized i knew this one already but read it for the second time and love it for the second time
don't know if I already wrote a comment, but well.. now you get the second one maybe?! nevermind, hu?! XD
love this <3 and love how you bring champagne always into it.. together with eeteuk <3 hanchul is love, but i feel like teukchul and for this i love this <3
aish, sorry, i can't write properly x-x *don't feel so well* but yeah, just had to write a comment because I will take this in my fave list and all fanfics there have to have a comment ^-^
so well.. good night x.x (here it is 24:00h... ) randomness ftw
Comments 52
I'm glad I made you like them. XD And if you find something good, tell me lol. XDDD Thank you! ^_^
LOL, I well definitely let you know if I come across anything, and hopefully you converted some people into writing them by making this~
Haha Kangteuk is my favourite too. Or at least I think so. Not so sure anymore... Heechul seems to want to own my brain >>
Haha ilu2 xD Thanks! ^_^
Twój angielski wcale nie jest taki zły. Na pewno lepszy, niż mój ;]
thank you thank you ^_^ nie wiedzialam, ze ich lubisz, to milo xD bo moj chyba drugi ulubiony lol. A smecenia tez nie lubie, bo smeca to kobiety, faceci przezywaja to inaczej. xD Heechul co najwyzej moglby komus cos na glowie roztrzaskac lol.
(The comment has been removed)
Sorry for late reply, too. xD Um, I think I have the pic somewhere so if you still haven't found it, I can look for it lol. :D
and yeah, i just realized i knew this one already but read it for the second time
and love it for the second time
don't know if I already wrote a comment, but well..
now you get the second one maybe?!
nevermind, hu?! XD
love this <3
and love how you bring champagne always into it.. together with eeteuk <3
hanchul is love, but i feel like teukchul and for this i love this <3
aish, sorry, i can't write properly x-x
*don't feel so well*
but yeah, just had to write a comment because I will take this in my fave list and all fanfics there have to have a comment ^-^
so well.. good night x.x
(here it is 24:00h... )
randomness ftw
I love both Hanchul and Teukchul too but Teukchul kinda has advantage because I prefer Hangeng for myself XDDD
Haha don't worry and thanks a lot for the comment <3
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