Title: Pink Dots Pairings: Hanchul, Heeteuk Rating: soft R Genre: First it's angst, then it's fluff. Summary: Life would be like a black carpet if it wasn't for the pink dots.
Heee this rocked! I loved the constant mention of HeeChuls cats. The first time broke my heart. I felt so sorry for both of them. The second time made me smile.
The carpet was awesome and both of them drinking themselves in to stupor was cute.
English isn't your native language? Could have fooled me, since you write better than many I've read who ARE native speakers. I enjoyed this quite a bit, and this pairing is really starting to grow on me.
By the way, there is nothing wrong with falling in love with Heechul. It is merely a natural progression of the universe. : )
I'm late, but thanks a lot. It's always nice to hear that people think my English is decent since I'm really nervous about it. :3 The pairing is lovely, but well, I just can't resist most of the Suju pairings. I'm happy you enjoyed! And yes, Heechul is irresistible. xD
i'm an awful person for not commenting before. i've been reading this fic for so long, I just... I keep coming here when I'm feeling down and I don't know, this is probably my favorite fic ever. ♥
THIS is what the world needs. heeteuk (elderly love) ♥
Comments 52
I loved the constant mention of HeeChuls cats.
The first time broke my heart. I felt so sorry for both of them. The second time made me smile.
The carpet was awesome and both of them drinking themselves in to stupor was cute.
Glad you liked <3
By the way, there is nothing wrong with falling in love with Heechul. It is merely a natural progression of the universe. : )
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THIS is what the world needs. heeteuk (elderly love) ♥
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