Aug 23, 2005 02:46
There's a girl that sees the "good" in me, but unfortunately for her, I share my world with no one.
Aug 22, 2005 14:48
So instead of hiring a tall white dude with long hair and bitchin tattoos they chose a short chubby asian dude, with more shoes than friends.
Aug 09, 2005 20:05
1.Cocoroise- Madonna
2.Sufjan Stevens- John Wayne Gacy Jr.
3.Cursive- The Recluse
4.A Silver Mt. Zion- God Bless Our Dead Marines
5.Mike Jones- What Cha Know About(Switching Lanes?)
Aug 06, 2005 04:44
"Although your heart belongs to someone else, I still love you more than you can ever imagine."
Jul 02, 2005 00:23
Ever get that feeling that youre looking someone in the eyes for the very last time? yah i did that twice this month...its pretty sucky.