Apr 21, 2004 16:52
i've decided to use the journal i created a little while back, and i'll be adding everyone that is on my friends list, and i'll be commenting alot more.
Apr 07, 2004 15:38
took some people off my "friend's list".. i'm gonna continue using this journal for a while..
Mar 22, 2004 17:36
i got a new journal....
comment if you want to be added.
Mar 18, 2004 20:14
i'm not gonna wait for you forever this time.
Feb 22, 2004 12:45
Wednesday, or Thursday I'm going to go get my hair done.. Like most of my hair is blonde, or light brown.. and like I'm thinking of getting undertones, and red streaks.. kinda like kelly clarkson had her hair.. what ya think!?!?
Feb 22, 2004 12:18
My mom and I were talking earlier today about both of us getting tattoos, but then we decided not to.. so she said well i wanna get the top of my ear pierced.. and you said you wanted to get your eyebrow, or your nose pierced a while back.. why don't you get that done?
which one would you get?
Feb 19, 2004 20:38
i'm feeling like a drug with no kick.. like a coloring book with no crayons.. like a hollow girlshaped body in a mad DESPARATE search for something real.
Feb 07, 2004 23:21
i can't wait til this summer.... or at-least spring.. time to start working on those abs.. a tan.. and stuff.
i can't wait to go surfing!