hEy guyz wAts uP, i thOught i shOuLd stArt uSing liVe jOurnAl aGain SoOo yOu wilL bE SeEeing mOre Of thiS. . . . . . . . wElL friDay iS mY sWeEt 16 evEn thO i wUnt bE tuRnin 16 tiLl agUst 26th, thiS shIt iS stReSsfuLl As sHIt, mE anD aAron arE stiLl togEthEr wE hAve bEen toGeth for aLmOst 9 mOnths nOw, wE arguE A L O T bUt i lOve hiM tO deAth hE is
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