Aug 29, 2008 19:17
Yes, summer is over and I am back at school, where I have daily access to the Internet. I've been so bored without it this summer!
May 01, 2008 10:33
Only 2 more weeks of school left! I can't wait for finals to be over. I've finally decided to try writing a little something, but I think it'll have to wait until finals are finished.
Apr 19, 2008 02:19
Wow, spring semester just flies by. The end of the semester is just around the corner. I should be spending a lot of time studying, but the problem is I keep getting distracted by all the great fiction I keep finding!
Mar 25, 2008 13:27
Yes, spring break at last! And we even have semi-decent weather for it. I plan on doing nothing this week except sleeping, watching TV, and catching up on some long overdue reading.
Feb 23, 2008 18:42
I am so sick of all the snow and sub-zero temperatures. I wish spring would arrive soon.
Jan 24, 2008 13:47
Well, I've discovered that I enjoy fanfiction outside the world of Harry Potter. This could seriously cut into my study time.
Jan 23, 2008 23:23
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting on livejournal. I'm rather excited to be member, and I can't wait to explore livejournal to see what it has to offer!