1. My dad asking my MIT graduating sister if she did pot in hs. she said no (DUH, like any of us would?!) and he preceeded to tell us that he found pot in the bathroom. ::eye shift
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the last couple of weeks socially have been awesomely perfect. you know that song, soco amaretto lime by brand new? that kind of sums up how i feel right now
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Open iTunes/iPod, Windows Media Player, Musicmatch Jukebox, or whatever... to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrassing it is
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blah. first day of school already!? CRAZY ASS. --; today was nice though, seeing everyone! everyone lost weight! goodnesss. all you skinny people look even skinnier!
went to a pool party tonight, it was pretty fun :) i suck at attempting to drown lyss haha. oops :X left early because meh. i have work tomorrow at 8 ;_;
Mannnn it's hotttttt out. jeesh. went driving again today. Manage not to almost hit anything but I did get cut off once and beeped at once. haha. cuz i'm slow ass after the light turns green. :X oh well. LEAVE POOR LITTLE STUDENT DRIVER ME ALONE
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