DRRR!!!→friending meme.

Jun 06, 2010 16:32

♪ Roar out louder!! ♪
A Durarara!!! Friending Meme

☇Fill out the form, post, and make new friends.

Fill out the form
Name ♬
Age ♬
Location ♬
Your favorite character(s) ♬
Your favorite game(s) ♬
Your favorite pairing(s) ♬
What do you like about durarara!!! ♬
What's your other fandom(s) besides durarara!!! ♬
Tell us about your jounal ♬ (public, friends-only, etc.)
Anything else? ♬

Pimp It♬
http://community.livejournal.com/xphoenixabyss/1525.html">♪ Roar out louder!! ♪
A Durarara!! Friending Meme
