speckled_inred wrote in
Jan 07, 2005 20:02
I made a members page. I'm not sure how to make everything go in the center, so if anyone knows please help. If you want a different picture just give it to me and I'll change it. I just took random pictures from everyone's applications and used those so I hope there's no problem.
juicyfruit7876 wrote in
Jan 07, 2005 18:32
I know I'm not a mod, or even a co-mod for this community, but I would like to suggest that when people apply that they know for sure how to post pictures, and I'm not pointing out the most recent person that did that, but when I saw all the fuss it caused I thought it would be a good idea if people knew how to apply and all.
just a thought. <3
speckled_inred wrote in
Jan 07, 2005 17:53
Okay, so everyone keep promoting. It's kind of boring just rating people so shall we do some themes to know everyone exists?