It isn't what I do, but how I do it. It isn't what I say, but how I say it, and how I look when I do it and say it. & To err is human, but it feels divine.
Lately I feel like I have his aura, almost like a glow around me - in me. I have the urge to take pictures of myself (although I haven't) because I don't know how long it's going to last. Its like a pregnant woman has that glow about her where you just know.. and she knows.. and it's like you're looking at her through colored glass and she you.
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so free to so fuck, so aroused so alone I try to find the lie that lies beneath you
That tune just came to mind thinking about what I want to write. To make a long story short, Im tired of everyone lying to each other. And lying to themselves. I must admit I have my dishonest moments but... I dont know. I feel like its the difference between white
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I am so very fed up with common American mentalities. People in this country are so unbelievably greedy. Always wanting something for nothing. Always blaming something for everything. Never taking responsibility for anything. No, I take that back. Rarely taking responsibility for what they should, and often for what they shouldn't. So egocentric.
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I like the way livejournal just grounds me. You always hear mental health experts encouraging or even enforcing journal writing, and I think they're right. After I get things out in the open and overcome my stretch of reality denial, my emotions return to proportionate (which usually means I can SLEEP.) My writing is very disproportionate, and
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What Dreams May Come - Excellent movie. It pretty much parallels how I've felt for a long time about the human soul, death, and the afterlife. I can't say it wasn't hard for me to watch though.
I'm admitting right now officially for the first time [I think] that death scares the shit out of me. And far more than my own death is the death of those who
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I hate when I can't sleep for thinking. For some reason I keep running through scenarios in my head of the future; like what I'm going to do with my life in the next five.. ten.. thirty years. It only just really occured to me that I have no idea what career I'm going to pursue.. or mayhaps fall into. I've come to the conclusion that I don't want
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Don't feel bad if you come from a dysfunctional family. Studies done by The Institute for the Study of Universal Addiction indicate that 97 percent of all families are dysfunctional. You should, however, feel bad if you pass up the opportunities you now have to heal the ravages caused by your dysfunctional family. Here's a good place to start: By
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There are moments in your life when you reach a clarity of mind - I suppose you would call it enlightenment - and time just seems to stop. You are frozen still, and everything else seems to whirl around you, oblivious and ignorant and opaque. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach still. I can't sleep, my heart is beating so loudly in my chest,
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