Title: I Remember...
xsilentserenityPairing(s): Haehyuk, broken!Haehyuk, Sihyuk, impliedbroken!Sihyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Drama, Suspense, Character Death(?), implied smut
Warnings: major angst, character death (but I'm not saying if he really dies!), implied smut
Disclaimer: Such a pity.
Summary: We promised each other than we would always love each
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Comments 60
I need to find fluffy and romantic haehyuk after this just to recover. :/
Oh man, I am so freaking happy with this update. Even if it's angst, character death, a broken Haehyuk, implied!Sihyuk, and suicide. ;_______; I CAN'T WAIT FOR LOVELESSLY LOVED TO BE UPDATED!!!
/prepares rusty and fail ninja skills/
I'm not sure when LL or SL will come out, because I'm really busy for the next few days, but I'm trying to write while I can! Thank youuu~
haha, you're not fail! You're not ALLOWED to be a fail. D:
Now Hae is dead and two people will feel guilty about it for the rest of their lives.
By the way, welcome back!
Well, it's up to you to decide whether Siwon was just *there* or not, so it's up to you whether you wanna hate Siwon in this! :P
Yup... they'll feel guilty... which is why I don't want to write an epilogue/another part. I don't wanna think about that... it's too angsty for me. =.=
Thank you!
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I love youu! and Thank you!
and i would leave a better comment but i'm rushing to finish that Hyukhae cat thing in less than 10 minutes! ;DDD
now i'm...
this is just unfair!!!
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