Title: I Remember...
xsilentserenityPairing(s): Haehyuk, broken!Haehyuk, Sihyuk, impliedbroken!Sihyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Drama, Suspense, Character Death(?), implied smut
Warnings: major angst, character death (but I'm not saying if he really dies!), implied smut
Disclaimer: Such a pity.
Summary: We promised each other than we would always love each
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Comments 60
/runs to my world of fluff and happiness
but this was so...sdfghjkjhgsdfghjk
haha, your world of fluff and happiness? didn't you just write a rape kyumin fic? xDDD
thank you bb! it means alot!
Wait for me! We have to kill Wonnie together!! :D
now to the story. >.< *crying a river here* how can this be not good? so super angsty and heartbreaking. one of the saddest one shots i've read in awhile. really good though, so much details. really like the flow of the story, it does flow well, even with the emotions all over the place. poor bb hae! o_0 how could hyuk forget him? (no really, was it explained how he lost his memory? maybe i missed it, hehe) & he wasn't even one of the first members he remembered. he slowly remembers everything but how he could he forget the most important - the love that he had for Hae, which is not only as best friends ( ... )
gosh, long comments are so hard to reply to because they're so beautiful! ;n; (but i love them XD)
owhh, this is going to stay a oneshot.. I srsly have no clue how to progress this further because yeah.. Hyuk couldn't save Hae... O.O So maybe, if I come up with some miraculous inspiration, but probs not...
haha, they're not nearly as angsty as this. Except for maybe Suicide Lists: that's pretty angsty. :3
Thank youuu!!
But thank you so much!!! ^.^
sorry dear..for the late comment..i havent read lovelessly love yet..will do when i can really concentrate so i can have the feel better..kekekekeke..
this is awesome..thank you for sharing dear..^^
I'll wait for your comment then, whenever you read it! :P
Thank you!
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