You leave the neighborhood And round the corner And wonder to yourself What new adventures await me Will it be sadness or joy Its your choice Your life is now in your hands Your moving out
Thats for you Theano. Its something I wrote a while ago.
My dad called me during school today. Apparently yesterday was my namesake day. In greek they celebrate more than they celebrate birthdays. So happy name sake to me. I wish i could get more in touch with my greek roots. Or i wish i can celebrate myname sake in a greek way.
Ive been feelin really lame lately. If you want an explanation ask in person. Anyways i bought a texas hold em set so now ill be playin that a bit more. otherwise everythins the same. Lame... but the same
And my thoughts go out to jess. Im sorry that had to happen.
Its been so long since i updated. I went to st thomas and that was so much fun. The alcohol is so cheap, its great. Anyways goin to warped tommorow so that shoudl be cool.