seeing kyle was fun even though there is absolutely NOTHING in missouri. it is such a boring, slow-paced state. the only things we discovered were that they have way more food at arby's than we do, and they have chocolate almond joys
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tomorrow is my brothers 19th birthday. I love my brother more than anything in this world, and I really never realized it until he was gone. He's such an amazing person and he always tries so hard to be nice to everyone. I can't wait to see him, and I'm so glad he's finally graduating basic. he deserves to come home and relax for a month, he's been
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in exactly two weeks we fly out to pick up my brother :) i'm so excited! even though he's coming home for a month now rather than 2 weeks he still doesn't have time to see the whole world and a lot of people are getting their hopes up and telling me to have kyle call him and that they HAVEEEE to see him when he's home. I never realized how many
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uhm in study again and it's only 5th period yet today has been sucking already. I hate people who are republicans and try to talk fairly about the debate when all they do is bash kerry and try to convince you that you're opinion is wrong. I can admit that bush had some good points, even though I don't like him. 2nd period was torture listening to
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friday was drunken hilarious chaos in several locations. I saw so many people that I adore, it was awesome. poor nicole and rebecca had to starve themselves because of their jewish ways :(
saturday my mom dragged me all over to help her make decisions that she's definitely incapable of making for herself. watched mean girls. manni called :) TWICE
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I'm in the library, it's way too silent in here I can't stand it. AJ texted me last period with the most confusing texts I've ever received in my entire life. So yeah still no idea what he's talking about he needs to learn to how to use t9 mode or just text normally
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i'm in school, 2nd study of the day. haven't had class for 2 periods and my hands are like ice. it's only been 2 days and i'm aready bored of school
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summer consisted of my favorite person leaving me, being sick, going on vacation, some stuff, going to bri's, being with people I love, and my friends doing idiotic things. but it's all over now
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