Today was a first- it was the first time i have ever seen snow =). When I was saying goodbye to everyone in my 4th hour class (we were in the lobby playing hand chimes... that was fun!) Someone anounces its snowing. After I said my final goodbyes, I ran outside and held my hands out. It might have melted right when it reached my fingertips, but it
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Grr... my tonsils are pissing me off! They've swolen up to the point where I can't breath at night or eat that much food. Went to the doctor, and this one FINALLY agreed that these puppies need to be taken out. Gee, after 5 years... it's taken that long to find someone who agrees with me on that. They have never been this big before! They've had a
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Ok, everything is pretty much finalized: my last day in Kalamazoo is the 17th and my last day in school is Wednesday. First- I'm going to take the greyhound to Chicago. My grandma didn't want me traveling on the bus for safety reasons so she was going to buy a plane ticket, but it would have been too complicated to get a decently price flight from
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Don't have enough time to post all the details, but my weekend entailed a henna confrence in Ohio. There were about 10-15 women there, and I must say that I learned alot, saw alot, and did alot of new things
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