Title:Under the moonlight Pairing:haehyuk(main), Sichulhan Genre:Drama,fluff? Rating:PG-13 Warning: **!!!!bad word and violence!!!!** BETA BY hyukhae4ever THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I can't hurt hyukkie too:D and yess hangeng will going to be important person! OH thanks so much<333 and yes I can speak japanese^^ since I live in japan but I original from thai:)
OMO! OMO! OMO! YES!! Donghae to the rescue!! Kibum deserved to be beaten up after hurting Eunhyuk D:< I feel so sorry to Eunhyuk for experiencing something like that :( Awww heechul is heartbroken T^T Hope there will be a happy ending for him and Eunhae!!! will be waiting for your next chapter!!!!!!
Comments 33
*wait for her with cookies and strawberry milk*
hahahaha.... arigatou ne.
demo sa, machigai no kotoba ga mada iru yo... hontou ni gomenasai... *bows*
I'll work harder next time... ^^
machigai tokoba no koto wa daijyoubu da yo^^
I really happy enough;)*bow&hug*
*wait for her with monkey and fish muffet*
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I can't hurt hyukkie too:D
and yess hangeng will going to be important person!
OH thanks so much<333
and yes I can speak japanese^^ since I live in japan but I original from thai:)
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how could kibum do such a thing?!?!?!?!
so glad donghae saved him in time. but what's going to happen next? donghae's having second thoughts...
and omg about heechul and hankyung...so sad :(
can't wait for next update :D
btw is anyone going to come and save hyukkie?
and yesss something is going with them for sure..
I'm feel sorry for heechul too;_;
and I will try to update next chapter soon!
Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
YES!! Donghae to the rescue!! Kibum deserved to be beaten up after hurting Eunhyuk D:<
I feel so sorry to Eunhyuk for experiencing something like that :(
Awww heechul is heartbroken T^T
Hope there will be a happy ending for him and Eunhae!!!
will be waiting for your next chapter!!!!!!
ohh heechul was heart broken everybody is hurt in this story!D:
I hope for happy ending too;)
Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
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