Title:Under the moonlight Pairing:haehyuk(main), Sichulhan Genre:Drama,fluff? Rating:PG-13 Warning: **!!!!bad word and violence!!!!** BETA BY hyukhae4ever THANK YOU SO MUCH!
YESH!!!!!!!!!! Hyukkie, you're saved!!!!!!! YESH!!!!!!!! But this is too much!!!!! DX Hae needs to get Hyukkie out of there!!! They need to both get out of there!!!!! Where's the SWAT team? The police? ANYONE!!!!!!
Awwwww... So that's what happened... T^T I feel sorry for HanChul... But Heechul should have taken the chances to run away... I have this bad feeling now... Hae and Hyuk is definitely in so much danger!!! They really need to get out of there!!!! DX
As for Hannie... I hope he'll help HaeHyuk... Wherever he is... T-T
yeah hyukkie is getting hurt too much;_; about police, well heechul didn't take any contact with hyukkie's dad yet so no one really know hyukkie been kidnap by who;D
OMG you got so many hint there and you got BIG HINT too!! I'll shut up nowXD Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
Comments 33
i'm glad hae saved hyukkie.
can't wait to read the next part, keep up the good work.
you know I can't do it to hyukkie;)
and Thank you much!!<333
Awwwww... So that's what happened... T^T I feel sorry for HanChul... But Heechul should have taken the chances to run away... I have this bad feeling now... Hae and Hyuk is definitely in so much danger!!! They really need to get out of there!!!! DX
As for Hannie... I hope he'll help HaeHyuk... Wherever he is... T-T
about police, well heechul didn't take any contact with hyukkie's dad yet
so no one really know hyukkie been kidnap by who;D
OMG you got so many hint there and you got BIG HINT too!!
I'll shut up nowXD
Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
*join hae in beatin bummie*
<33 gosh update more!
I will try update next chapter soon
Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
Poor Hyukkie... atleast Donghae kicked Kibum's ass ): Not good enough if you ask me, but atleast it was something.
I'm still curious about Heechul xD He seems... crazy. He lost his mind as well as his heart... I'm wondering what plans he has for Donghae though...
Keep up the good work!
now I just add something so people won't get confuse again Thanks!!:D
yeah atleast donghae done something for hyukkie;)
oh you can say that!:D
That's close to what I plan too
I'm so happy that you realize it!;D
And Thank you so much!*hug*
I will say that I love you so much
Hae, please don't leave Hyukkie alone D:
it's so dangerous for him
I don't want see Hyukkie cry and hurt Dx
don't made him cry anymore, please?
yes hae should never leave hyukkie or else crazy fangirl like me will go kidnap him *evil smirk*
ohhh don't worry hae will come to protect him<333
Are you want go to with me? *blink*
ops, I forgot, you is author xD
*run away*
oops, I forgot that tooXD
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