Title:Under the moonlight Pairing:haehyuk(main), Sichulhan Genre:Drama,fluff? Rating:PG-13 Warning: **!!!!bad word and violence!!!!** BETA BY hyukhae4ever THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I'm sooo LATE!!! TT^TT aww you did another great job!!! d(><)b Love this chap<33 i'm feeling sad for Hyukkie and Heechul though:'( yaay to HaeHyuk~~~~~ *hugs you and Hyukkie*
Oh no no no! there is no late :) Aww I'm so happy to hear that!<333 thanks so much!!! and YAYY for haehyuk too<3 Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
Everything will be fine, just like we've planned. Don't worry
OMO HeeChul please don't be so evil!! i hope hannie would come back for heechul and HaeHyuk.. the situation is too dangerous for Hyukkie, Hae needs to take him away from them..
Comments 33
aww you did another great job!!! d(><)b
Love this chap<33 i'm feeling sad for Hyukkie and Heechul though:'(
yaay to HaeHyuk~~~~~
*hugs you and Hyukkie*
Aww I'm so happy to hear that!<333
thanks so much!!!
and YAYY for haehyuk too<3
Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
Thank you for reading and comment so much<333
OMO HeeChul please don't be so evil!!
i hope hannie would come back for heechul and HaeHyuk..
the situation is too dangerous for Hyukkie, Hae needs to take him away from them..
Sorry, got carried away..
Love you FIC btw
yes hankyun will.....OOPs I can't tell XD
*don't kick me*
Thank you for reading and comment so much*hugs*
Donghae helps Hyukie to runaway from here!! >.<
yeah!hae should help hyukkie soon!
Thank you for reading and comment so much!!
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yes, I would say hankyun is a keyperson!;D
*start giving out hint*
I'll update today so please look forward to it;)
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