Title: Lost In Big City pairing: haehyuk rating:R-17 gerne: SMUT, humor warning: SOFT ABUSE, RAPE, SEX TOY I'M DIE XDDDD Request fic to hecate0o I hope you like it my dear!!
Title: Happy Bubble Time pairing: haehyuk rating:R-17 gerne: SMUT, humor beta by Soketsu THANKS MY LOVE<3 Request fic for fishydotlove told me an idea about Hae getting jealous about eunmin then I remember
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Title: Metropolis Pairing: haehyuk Genre: Drama, Smut Rating: PG-13 Warning: light smut BETA BY hitsugaya15THANK YOU FOR YOUR CHECK& EDIT SO MUCH! MY FIC BECOMIG ENG!8D*hugs*
A/N: here is my first drabble and my first song fic L'Arc~en~Ciel Metropolis I just really love this song too much that I want to write something about it
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Title:Under the moonlight Pairing:haehyuk(main), Sichulhan Genre:Drama,fluff? Rating:PG-13 BETA BY hyukhae4everTHANK YOU FOR YOU WONDERFUL EDIT SO MUCH!*hugs*