..my car is ill! the engine has a leak of some kind! and i reverse it into a post yesterday to =( oops. im not happy! uits getting taken in to see how much it will cost to fix on friday! i hate buses!!
weeeeeeeeeellll its 2006 now! i hope you all had a good christmas & new year!!! my christmas was awesome!!!! i got drunk for like a week and a half lol. was great.
...was awesome! i thought i was at work 12-6 in the day! but had read the rota wrong woooop! ahahah. anyway! got real drunk at amys before and listened to some very very classy music =P!
..havent updated in forever. my last entry is all sorted now, and im all happy happy! anywhooo! christmas reeeeal soon! and sarahs 18th and lots of fun stuff haha! woop!! and! ive finished college for 2 weeks! and got all me work in and done and my ucas set off! im happy and in love! its the best.
..im getting really pissed off with people trying to tell me how to live my life!! why when you dont wanna do something, or do wanna do something you have to explain why to like 10 people!!cant people stop trying to control other people! i feel proper weak =(