Woah im like... scarred for life now =[ like seriously we talked about sex in health!! !! =o scarring!!!! ahhh!! ohhhhh mmmmm ggggggg lol the only reason im scarred is because hes an old man and hes not suposed to know about that stuff!! lol hes was frikin talking about anal sex i was liek.. uhh him NOT LISTENING!!!! =o AHHH!! lol gosh that was bad
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Helloooooooooooooooo all :) I re did my lj but i think its hard to read the text.. maybe i should try bold.. i guess... what ever you can all highlight cuz i like my lj =] ahh!! i <3 invader zim!! he rawkskladngkj lol
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yes i had uh... fun... in health.. yeah.. hehe ill write more about that at home where ic ant egt in trouble lol!! but anyway john a bi!? lol he has a crush on alex!!! lol so he tells people i dont belive him lol...hhaha okkk i asked him her says he was kidding... lol but you never know with john... there is still kenny ;] hahah his "partner"
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nothing my parents are being gay and >:O i want to g0o buy a guitar but theyre all u need to start with accoustic and im like fukc accoustic its too un-loud for me lol i dont want to start with it!! >:O if the bass people can srart wiht an electric bass i can start with an electric guitar! >:O >:O