holy crap i havent written in a long time. a lot has happened. my band has taken off greatly and we are actually pretty damn good and its fun as hell. playing in front of others is great i love the feeling and plus we get paid for it lol. also i am dating maria culp. shes the best i really love her. she treats me great and is always there for me.
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omg robotics was sooo sweet i'm so joining that shit. i had the best time yelling n screaming for the team n going down in the pits to check out the robots and stuff. some teams really sucked but there were a fewq that were MF'n sweet. but that sprobably boring you guys so ill stop while im ahead, bsides im tired as hell
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WOO HOO i joined RoboticS...which ive wanted to do for A WHILE NOW. WE'RE GOING TO PITSSBURG as a team tomorrow for regionals. its gonna b awesome. Tom troll is the fucking shit!!!
The Potion Makerdavenium is an opaque, thin puce liquid extracted from the feet of a Jabberwocky that eats a monkshood.xXlead_soulXxium is an opaque, thin ochre liquid pulled from the blood of a shrew.Mixing davenium with xXlead_soulXxium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque fuchsia potion which gives the user protection from
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omg someone trash picked the tredmill that we messed up. its so funny cuz the thing was in such a bad condition. this morning the tredmill was gone but our other garbage was still there. as my mom drove back from taking me to school she realized no1 elses garbage was taken, we just figured at first that the garbage guys took the tredmill cuz it
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we killed it. it died, it burnt, it was gone. im talking about the ol' tredmill of coarse. it was great we lit it on fire, impaled it, beat the living hell out of it, dismantled it, n just plainly destroyed it. its totally gone
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