Title: In Which Uruha Makes Kai Feel Like A Giddy Little School Girl
Chapter(s): 1/1
xxshamisenGenre: Fluff
Rating: G
Warnings: No plot? LOL.
Pairing: Kai/Uruha
Disclaimer: Real people, real circumstances, fake stories.
Summary: Uruha is hungry.
Comment: For #108 of
15_minute_fic. I soooo love these two. ♥
“Okay, what do you want to have?” )
Comments 28
I really really do.
And KaixUruha fluff just makes me feel so pleased and lovely inside,as if I had eaten a whole chocolate cake XD
THAT'S BECAUSE KAI/URUHA IS THE SWEETEST COUPLE IN GAZETTE. ♥ I mean, when they smile together and do dorky things it's pretty much sugar on your teeth!
Thanks for reading ahaha~
and you're welcome ^_^
...How Uruha Makes Kai Feel Like A Giddy Little School Girl...
Thank you!
Thank you too! xDD
Are you suggesting some smut hurrhurr.
Well tis alright, this Urumuse doesn't mind being called a dumbass xDD
I've been reading these days to xxshamisen's stories and after I read your comments after making impressions over the fics myself, I discovered something more, something pointed out more smartly :)
You actually put more depth in your thinking *and no, this is no cateris!kissing ass mode ;P* and I thought I should tell you that :)
I started drooling right there.. Well okay i started drooling when i read "Kai" the first time.. But cheesecake AND chocolate in one!! (and made by Kai) Ohmygod *dies*
So yeah, Thanks for making me drool xD
Haha, thank you for reading! And now that you've mentioned it, I want some chocolate cheesecake nao~ D: Damn you, Kai and Uruha. >>;;
Well it's your own fault! You wrote about it!
It was in the middle of the night for me when i read it and there was no way i could get cheesecake, nor chocolate. Torture!
Thanks for writing it and sharing it :)
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