do you have time/funds for a massage? your joint problem might be new mom stress taking itself out on your jaw. i get jaw pain with my headaches which are usually stress and/or barometer related. good luck!
You're soo right, it's totally new mom stress... If it gets worse, I'll see about getting a massage or seeing my chiropractor. I'm going to give it a few weeks to see if it will clear up on it's me taking it easy with eating soft foods, limiting movement, hot/ice packs, and massaging my face. It was a little advice that I got from some TMJ site. They said that most cases clear up on their, we'll see. I'm trying to lower my stress, too...but it is kind of hard because I didn't really realize that I was even stressed in the first place. I guess I's a different kind of stress, eh?
definitly a diff kind of stress. but you know in your subconcious that you're responsible for that woman-to-be. No matter how capable you are of handling the job (which you are VERY capable) it is still stressful. more of a primal stress then your prolly used to :P
Comments 5
If it gets worse, I'll see about getting a massage or seeing my chiropractor. I'm going to give it a few weeks to see if it will clear up on it's me taking it easy with eating soft foods, limiting movement, hot/ice packs, and massaging my face. It was a little advice that I got from some TMJ site. They said that most cases clear up on their, we'll see. I'm trying to lower my stress, too...but it is kind of hard because I didn't really realize that I was even stressed in the first place. I guess I's a different kind of stress, eh?
Keep takin' it easy, girl.
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