Nov 05, 2006 02:11
sometimes girls just don't understand and appreciate the things we do for them...
Oct 21, 2006 21:01
i don't know if today was good or bad...
i'm leaning towards bad since my morning was terrible.
don't even get the chance to make things better since she's gone.
maybe this thing will slide and tomorrow will be alright.
actually...that won't even happen this since i won't be able to see her.
man.........i really need a smoke this time.
Sep 13, 2006 10:15
all is great and i couldn't ask for anything else in this world <3
things will look up for you.
just keep your head above water and tread
Aug 29, 2006 16:08
summer's almost done
school's just around the corner
what a drag...
Aug 06, 2006 07:30
i am so out of shape...
the stamina i once had is slowly
disappearing because of smoking
i figured that out on friday while playing ball LOL
i've gotta quit.
Jul 22, 2006 06:48
there are only two words that can describe my summer this far...
fucking great
enjoy summer while it's still here kids =D
Jul 02, 2006 11:17
done the move
but not done the unpacking
*P.S* thanks rita for helping!