Jan 24, 2008 19:19
My mouse is so old I can see the growth of my had on it from the wear. I can see where I gripped it farther up the front because my hand was smaller.
Jan 19, 2008 14:20
I think that the Ultramatic Bed company has been running their free bed draw as a "limited time offer" my entire life.
Dec 31, 2007 23:18
Rock Band is awesome.
EDIT: Oh and happy new year and such.
Dec 09, 2007 04:03
If a picture is worth 1000 words, a 2 hour movie is worth 172 800 000 words.
Nov 13, 2007 00:51
Blastoise evolve from Squirtle. When two Blastoise mate, they make a baby Squirtle.
Humans evolved from apes. When two humans mate, they make a baby human.
If humans evolved from apes, babies should be apes that eventually turn into humans. Evolution is false.
Nov 01, 2007 03:33
As a result of my naivete in youth I will probably always pronounce Ryu (Street Fighter, not Hayabusa or any other Ryu) as Rai-oo and Regen as Reagan (like the President) even though I now know better.
Oct 23, 2007 19:18
I thought it was June 2nd at 10:23.
Oct 20, 2007 02:25
I'm seeing things in every game I play now in terms of how to exploit portal use.
Oct 12, 2007 21:46
I picked up The Orange Box, and so now I have two copies of it. Apparently Steam lets me gift a copy to someone, so if anyone out there in Journal land would like it, post.
Oct 07, 2007 18:24
There are 959606 other people playing Halo 3 with me right now. Wow.