Hey, that's awesome. Hadn't seen it used that way (though I did learn it back when I was studying 文言) -- mostly I've just seen people saying 郁闷, particularly in the comments on my Chinese blog, as in "我学了N年英语也写不出~~~ 郁闷~~~" I always find it kind of annoying; perhaps I'll start a comment policy on my Chinese blog, demanding that people use 我 instead of 俺 or 偶, and that they use 囧 as shorthand for all remarks of a "your Chinese is so good" nature.
(Also, small nitpick: your use of "dumbass" is perfectly fine and colloquial, but "stuffing" is usually used to refer to dishes rather than desserts; for something like a mooncake or pie, I'd translate 陷儿 as "filling.")
plus you have a very amusing way of teaching new slang characters, have you thought of doing a series of articles/posts on computer language like this? It would be sooo much fun to read, please please please! :)
Err, thank you. Although you wounded me with your post about Secondhand Rose and 太没文化... X_X
Seriously, I've thought about it. But every time I read something I wrote it went like "Ahhh! Grammar mistakes! Wrong word-usage everywhere! Gahhh!" Then I just want to destroy the evidence...
Comments 11
(thanks, what an awesome character usage, w00t)
plus you have a very amusing way of teaching new slang characters, have you thought of doing a series of articles/posts on computer language like this? It would be sooo much fun to read, please please please! :)
Seriously, I've thought about it. But every time I read something I wrote it went like "Ahhh! Grammar mistakes! Wrong word-usage everywhere! Gahhh!" Then I just want to destroy the evidence...
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