today im glad i sorted some things out... makes me happy :).. but still wish things maby were differnt but thats y thats life.. you never get what u want.. but u can work n work at it untill its perfect..
well tomorrows are feild trip!! gtg to bed gotta wake up at 4 40
today was ok... i had baseball in the rain which was flippin cold.. tomorow no school!! woot woot.. so anyway... lifes goin alright.. just wish somethings could be differnt but dout itll happen..
today everyone was pretty upset we lost to peublo in the semi finals... we had them with no dout.
Well today school was ight i geuss... were makin an onager so we went n bout are suplies as home depto that was tight.. then we started building in at jons casa..
sorry havent updated in a while... well just got back from the movies it was tight.. anyway.. baskertball tight were 9-3 n tournament starts monday..agianst cenntenial at home 5:30