OK, so there was a prompt on 1stclass_kink about a crossover between XM:FC and Glee (I think it's in Round 9, page 12 somewhere). Being a big fan of both fandoms, I just HAD to fill it. So many ideas...
Any of the fandom ones really! For xmen first class, oldfriends is good. There's also one which I think is called erik_charles, and there's the bigger Marvel coms.
Comments 3
Particularly Erik being oblivious about the meekness of the students who were sent to him...
A really nice crossover! You should crosspost it to the comms...
Which comms were you talking about?
If you write Sherlock, post at sherlockbbc.
Basically you need to search lj for the fandom, read the info page of the comm for posting rules, and post with a link to your lj.
Oh, and there's definitely comms for glee, which I don't know so well. My info page has links to xmen coms, though.
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